Hoe mooi is het om middels het creatieproces jezelf te blijven ontwikkelen. Door te ontdekken waar je tegen aan loopt leer je over jezelf, te luisteren naar die innerlijke stemmen die je vertellen wat je nodig hebt. Niet altijd wat je wil horen, of aandacht aan wilt geven.. Het is soms makkelijker en veiliger om die stemmen te negeren, te onderdrukken.
Uiteindelijk komt dit terug bij je op een manier die je niet meer kunt negeren. Vermoeidheid, onrust, somberheid, angst en onzekerheid zijn ons allen wel op een of andere manier bekend. Creëren brengt dit vaak pijnlijk in beeld. Het is een cadeau waar je iets mee kunt doen, of kunt wegleggen in je kast. Soms is de tijd nog niet rijp voor dit cadeau, weet je gewoon nog niet wat je er allemaal mee kunt. Heb jij dit soort cadeautjes in je kast waar je iets mee wilt? Dan is ( he)art journaling een manier om dit te onderzoeken. Het gaat niet over produceren, maar over het proces. Werken vanuit je hart, onderzoeken waar jouw authenticiteit zit. Creëren op en wijze die niemand anders kan, gewoon omdat jij niemand anders bent dan jijzelf. Het is vaak even wennen om niet te doen wat je gewend bent, uit je comfort zone te treden. Maar mijn ervaring is dat diegene die dit pad betreden een rijker gevoel ervaren. De cadeautjes uit de kast zijn dé cadeautjes waar je uiteindelijk het meest plezier aan beleeft. Anne-Marie van Eck AVE ART 👵🏼🎨❤️
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What do you do with your fear? What we are afraid of we are likely to call fear. But fear is more to be afraid of something. Something which you can see, touch or hear. Anxiety is a kind of fear that for me is a totally different kind of fear. You can t touch it, see it or hear it. You only feel it. From out of your stomic, in your heart(beat) and your throat. You can' t easily get a grip on it and that makes you afraid. Totaly out of controle. Afraid to go out into the world, do things you want, achive your goals. It slurps energy. Have you been in that place...? Be gentle, don t turn away from it because it only get s stronger. Umbraise it, nurish and listen to it and give it what it realy needs. Than it can become a guidline in your life. It tells you exactly what you need. Talk to it, ask what it needs from you. No it s not a nice place to be, but if you are able to invert it into something else it s the best guide ever. And yes... I have been there. AVE ART 👵🏼🎨❤️ Sometimes a spread doesn t need more. The same is about aging... More and more we see what realy matters. What we need, not from knowing, but feeling a deep sence of awareness.
I don t like my body to look different, feeling I m not in controle os wrinkles, fetlombs, hormones. Etc. You know what I mean when you also arrived in this fase of your life. But how can it that when i look at this picture of this beautiful woman, that thouches me deeply in so many ways I m going to get that body also but why doesn t this thouch me in the same way as this woman does? So in this spread no adding is requiered or even allowed. It is what it is and i have to accept it... AVE ART 🎨 Anne-Marie van Eck 👵🏼❤️ Such a privilege to work all day with women who have the courage to grab the invitation to explore bounderies and look beyond them. Share their ( intimite) thoughts and doubts and transform these experiences in beautiful images.
We found out through experience thatbour maps cán be extended by letting go of thoughts that previde us from growing and enjoying life and art the way it should. The (HE)ART cards and board did their work already. Thanks for this possibility to explore, experience and most of all enjoy this day. AVE ART👵🏼🎨❤️ Mixed media on cardboard. 50. X 70 cm
Expressing ypurself through art is like you have been lying on the cauch of a analytic therapeute. You hear yourself talk and connect with your most intimite thoughts and feelings. Did you know they were there? Mostly not. But the art does not lie. It was there and now it s here right before your nose, and after you posted it, in front of everybody' s nose. Is this a form of exhibitionisme? Or the urge to show what's a inconveniënt truth..? Anne-Marie van Eck 👵🏼 7 th of may, creative gathering in The netherlands Come and join.What are we going to do?
A whole day we are going to create together from 10 AM untill 17. PM in a beautiful setting. You can be active all day, or sit down, relax and talk whith fellow artists. We exange tips and trics, tell stories etc. Everything that comes along in a creative life. If the weather is fine you can enjoy my beautiful garden and work outside. Would you like to join? The costs are 25 euro's. This includes: >tea and coffee >lunch > and free use of paint and the materials that I provide such as wallpaper stamps, ephemera(lot's of it!!) and more stuff. Where?: Tilburg, a city in the south of The netherlands. You can fly on Eindhoven airport, with Ryan air is very cheap. Sent me an e -mail with your name and telefoonnumber. Then i sent you my bankaccountnumber When the payment is done you receive a mail that subscribes your participation. ONLY 30 persons can join so hurry up!! I "ART TALK TALK ART"